Canadian National Report for the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management - Table of Contents
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Executive Summary
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Canada's key highlights and current priorities
3.0 Progress since the Second Review Meeting
3.1 Continue the progress for the long-term management by:
- 3.1 (a) Sustaining momentum for the implementation of long-term management approaches
- 3.1 (b) Fostering relationships gained through stakeholder consultation
- 3.1 (c) Ensuring that there are adequate human resources to implement future work
- 3.1 (d) Increasing the regulatory efforts necessary to support future industry initiatives
- 3.1 (e) Continuing production of supporting regulatory documentation
- 3.2 Financial guarantees
- 3.3 Approvals required for the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) and the Deep Geologic Repository (OPG)
- 3.4 Decommissioning old structures
- 3.5 Progress on major projects
- 3.6 CSA's formal waste classification scheme to be considered
- 3.7 Amendment to regulations on exemption and clearance
- 3.8 NWMO's recommendation for managing Canada's nuclear fuel waste
3.1 Continue the progress for the long-term management by:
- 4.0 Conclusion
Sestion A - Introduction
- A.1 Scope of the section
- A.2 Introduction
- A.3 Nuclear substances
- A.4 Canadian philosophy and approach to safety
- A.5 Fundamental principles
- A.6 Main safety issues
- A.7 Survey of the main themes
Section B - Policies and Practices
- B.1 Scope of the section
- B.2 Introduction
- B.3 Legislative instruments
- B.4 National framework for radioactive waste management
- B.5 Regulatory policy on managing spent fuel and radioactive waste
- B.6 Regulatory Guide G-320: Assessing the Long-Term Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
B.7 Classification of radioactive waste in Canada
- B.7.1 High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW)
- B.7.2 Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste (ILW)
- B.7.3 Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW)
- B.7.4 Uranium mine and mill waste
- B.8 Operational responsibilities for long-term management
- B.9 Management practices for spent fuel
- B.10 Management practices for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste
- B.11 Management practices for uranium mine waste rock and mill tailings
Section C - Scope of Application
- C.1 Scope of the section
- C.2 Introduction
- C.3 Reprocessed spent fuel
- C.4 Naturally occurring radioactive materials
- C.5 Department of National Defence programs
- C.6 Discharges
Section D - Inventories and Lists
- D.1 Scope of the section
D.2 Inventory of spent fuel in Canada
- D.2.1 Spent fuel wet storage inventory at nuclear reactor sites
D.3 Radioactive waste inventory
- D.3.1 Radioactive waste management facilities
D.4 Uranium mining and milling waste
- D.4.1 Operational mine and mill sites
- D.4.2 Inventory of uranium mine and mill waste at inactive tailings sites
Section E - Legislative and Regulatory Systems
- E.1 Scope of the section
- E.2 Establishment of the Canadian legislative and regulatory framework
E.3 National safety requirements
- E.3.1 Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA)
- E.3.2 Regulations issued under the NSCA
- E.3.3 Regulatory documents
E.4 Comprehensive licensing system for spent fuel and radioactive waste management activities
- E.4.1 Licensing procedure
- E.4.2 Process assessment of a licence application
- E.4.3 Information and participation of the public
- E.5 A system of prohibition of the operation of spent fuel or radioactive waste without a licence
E.6 System of institutional control, regulatory inspection and documenting and reporting
- E.6.1 General description of compliance program
- E.6.2 Compliance promotion
- E.6.3 Compliance verification
- E.6.4 Compliance enforcement
- E.7 Considerations taken into account in deciding whether or not to regulate nuclear substances as radioactive waste
E.8 Establish regulatory body
- E.8.1 Funding of the CNSC
- E.8.2 Maintaining competent personnel
E.9 Supporting the separation of roles
- E.9.1 Separation of the CNSC and organizations that promote and utilize nuclear energy
- E.9.2 Strategic communications
- E.9.3 Values and ethics
Section F - Other General Safety Provisions
- F.1 Scope of the section
- F.2 Responsibility of the licence holder
F.3 Human resources
- F.3.1 University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering
- F.3.3 OPG
- F.3.4 Nuclear Waste Management Organization
F.4 Financial resources
- F.4.1 General
- F.4.2 Historic waste
- F.4.3 Financial guarantees
F.5 Quality assurance
- F.5.1 QA program assessment
F.6 Operational radiation protection
- F.6.1 Requirements for doses so they are consistent with ALARA
- F.6.2 Derived release limits
- F.6.3 Action levels
- F.6.4 Dosimetry
- F.6.5 Preventing unplanned releases
- F.6.6 Protection of the environment
- F.6.7 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission activities
F.7 Nuclear emergency management
- F.7.1 The CNSC's assessment of licensees' emergency management programs
- F.7.2 Types of nuclear emergencies
- F.7.3 Federal government responsibilities
- F.7.4 International arrangements
F.8 Decommissioning
- F.8.1 Qualified staff and adequate financial resources
- F.8.2 Operational radiation protection, discharges, unplanned and uncontrolled Releases
- F.8.3 Emergency preparedness
- F.8.4 Records
Section G - Safety of Spent Fuel Management
- G.1 Scope of the section
- G.2 Nuclear power plants
- G.3 CANDU fuel
G.4 Research reactors
- G.4.1 Nuclear fuel waste from research reactors
- G.5 Medical isotope production fuel
- G.6 Storage of spent fuel
G.7 Spent fuel management methods
- G.7.1 Requirements for spent fuel storage
G.8 Safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste Management
- G.8.1 General safety requirements
- G.8.2 Canadian licensing process
- G.8.3 Protection and safety fundamentals
- G.8.4 Generic performance requirements
- G.8.5 Generic design and operational principles
- G.8.6 Performance criteria
G.8.7 Safety requirements
- G.8.7.1 Nuclear criticality safety
- G.8.7.2 Facility design
- G.8.7.3 Physical security and safeguards
- G.8.7.4 Industrial safety
- G.9 Protection of existing facilities
G.10 Protection in the siting of proposed facilities
- G.10.1 Public information programs
- G.10.2 International arrangements with neighbouring countries that could be affected
- G.11 Design, construction and assessment of safety of facilities
- G.12 Operation of facilities
G.13 Monitoring of spent fuel dry storage Facilities
- G.13.1 Gamma radiation monitoring experience
- G.13.2 Leak tightness verification experience
- G.13.3 Environmental monitoring experience
G.13.4 Effluent Monitoring Experience
- G.13.4.1 AECL
- G.13.4.2 OPG
- G.14 Disposal of spent fuel
- G.15 New facilities
- G.16 Proposed facilities
- G.17 Long-term management of spent fuel
Section H - Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
- H.1 Scope of the section
- H.2 Radioactive waste in Canada
H.3 Characteristics of radioactive waste in Canada
- H.3.1 Fuel manufacturing waste
- H.3.2 Electricity generation waste
- H.3.3 Historic waste
- H.3.4 Radioisotope production and use waste
- H.3.5 Uranium mining and milling waste
- H.3.6 Radioactive waste at research reactors
- H.4 Waste minimization
H.5 General safety requirements
- H.5.1 Protection and safety fundamentals
- H.5.2 Safety requirements
H.6 Protection of existing facilities
- H.6.1 Past practices
H.7 Protection in the siting of proposed facilities
H.7.1 Public information programs
- H.7.1.1 Public information program for low- and intermediate-level nuclear waste storage
- H.7.1.2 Public information for a new uranium mine or mill
H.7.1 Public information programs
- H.8 Design, construction and assessment of facilities
H.9 Operation of facilities
- H.9.1 Criticality safety
H.10 Institutional measures after closure
- H.10.1 Introduction
- H.10.2 Examples of the use of institutional controls for proposed spent fuel and radioactive waste repositories
- H.10.3 Example of the development of institutional control for decommissioned uranium mines and mills in Saskatchewan
- H.11 Monitoring programs
Section I - Transboundary Movement
- I.1 Scope of the section
- I.2 Introduction
- I.3 Controlled substances
- I.4 Exporting state
- I.5 State of destination
- I.6 Destination south of latitude 60 degrees
Section J - Disused Sealed Sources
- J.1 Scope of the section
- J.2 Introduction
- J.3 Regulatory framework
J.4 Sealed sources used in Canada
- J.4.1 Disposal of sealed sources in Canada
J.4.2 The National Sealed Source Registry and Sealed Source Tracking System
- J.4.2.1 Import and export of radioactive sealed sources
- J.4.3 Retention of records
- J.4.4 Safety of sealed sources
- J.5 Sealed sources in the international community
Section K - Planned Activities
- K.1 Scope of the section
- K.2 Introduction
- K.3 Regulatory framework initiatives
K.4 Long-term management of spent fuel
- K.4.1 Assessment of options for long-term management of spent fuel (2002-2005)
- K.4.2 Adaptive Phased Management: NWMO proposal to government (2005)
- K.4.3 Government decision (June 2007)
- K.4.4 Implementing the long-term management pPlan (2007 - 2008 activities)
K.5 Long-term management of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste
- K.5.1 Proposed low- and intermediate-level waste deep geologic repository at OPG's Western Management Facility
K.5.2 Nuclear Legacy Liabilities Program (NLLP)
- K.5.2.1 Long-term strategy to decommission Chalk River Laboratories
- K.5.2.2 AECL Liquid Waste Transfer and Storage (LWTS) Project
K.5.3 Management of historic waste
- K.5.3.1 Port Hope Area Initiative
- K.5.3.2 Other historic waste initiatives
K.6 Other contaminated lands
- K.6.1 Inactive uranium mine and mill tailings management areas
K.6.2 Contaminated land resulting from past practices in the uranium and radium industries under
institutional control
- K.6.2.1 Consolidated cells
- K.6.2.2 Port Hope contaminated sites
- K.6.2.3 Northern transportation route
- K.6.2.4 Toronto area contaminated sites
- K.6.2.5 Deloro Mine Site
- K.6.3 Landfills
- K.6.4 Devices containing radium luminous compounds
- K.6.5 Other CLEAN program activities
Annex 1 - Federal Structure
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Natural Resources Canada
- 1.2 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- 1.3 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
- 1.4 Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Office
- 1.5 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
- 1.6 Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
- 1.7 Health Canada
- 1.8 Environment Canada
- 1.9 Transport Canada
Annex 2 - Canadian Legislative System and Institutional Framework
- 2.0 Introduction
- 2.1 Nuclear Safety and Control Act
- 2.2 Nuclear Energy Act
- 2.3 Nuclear Fuel Waste Act
- 2.4 Nuclear Liability Act
- 2.5 Canadian Environmental Assessment
Annex 3 - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commision and the Regulatory Process
- 3.0 Introduction
- 3.1 Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA)
- 3.2 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (the CNSC)
- 3.3 The CNSC in the government structure
- 3.4 Organizational structure
- 3.5 Regulatory philosophy and activities
3.6 Regulatory framework
- 3.6.1 The CNSC's regulatory documents
- 3.7 Licensing process
- 3.8 Licensing hearings
3.9 Compliance
- 3.9.1 The CNSC Compliance Program
- 3.10 Cooperative undertakings
3.11 The CNSC Outreach Program
- Framework for the CNSC's Outreach Program
- Stakeholders
- Definition of outreach
Annex 4 - Spent Fuel Storage Technologies in Canada
4.1 Wet storage technology
- 4.1.1 Bay liners
- 4.1.2 Storage in wet bays
- 4.1.3 Water pool chemical control
- 4.2 Experiences with wet storage
4.3 Dry storage technology
- 4.3.1 AECL Concrete Canisters
- 4.3.2 AECL MACSTORTM module
- 4.3.3 Ontario Power Generation dry storage containers
- 4.4 Experiences with dry storage
4.5 Spent fuel storage facilities
- 4.5.1 Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
- 4.5.2 Pickering Waste Management Facility - Used Fuel Dry Storage
- 4.5.3 Bruce Nuclear Generating Stations A and B
- 4.5.4 Western Waste Management Facility - Used Fuel Dry Storage
- 4.5.5 Darlington Nuclear Generating Station
- 4.5.6 Darlington Waste Management Facility
- 4.5.7 Gentilly-2 Nuclear Generating Station
- 4.5.8 Hydro-Québec Used Fuel Dry Storage Facility
- 4.5.9 Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station
- 4.5.10 Point Lepreau Used Fuel Dry Storage Facility
- 4.5.11 Douglas Point Used Fuel Dry Storage Facility
- 4.5.12 Gentilly-1 Used Fuel Dry Storage Facility
- 4.5.13 Chalk River Laboratories - Area G - Used Fuel Dry Storage Area
- 4.5.14 Whiteshell Laboratories (WL) Used Fuel Storage Facility
- 4.5.15 NRU Research Reactor
- 4.5.16 McMaster Nuclear Reactor
Annex 5 - Radioactive Waste Management Facilities
5.1 Radioactive Waste Management Methods
- 5.1.1 Pickering Waste Management Facility - Re-tube Components Storage
- 5.1.2 Western Waste Management Facility - Low- and Intermediate-Level Waste Storage
- 5.1.3 Radioactive Waste Operations Site 1
- 5.1.4 Hydro-Québec Waste Management Facility
- 5.1.5 Point Lepreau Waste Management Facility
5.1.6 Radioactive waste management at decommissioned reactor sites
- Douglas Point Waste Management Facility
- Gentilly-1 Waste Management Facility
- Nuclear Power Demonstration Waste Management Facility
5.1.7 AECL Nuclear Research and Test Establishment Facilities
- Chalk River Laboratories
- Waste Management Area A
- Waste Management Area B
- Waste Management Area C
- Waste Management Area D
- Waste Management Area E
- Waste Management Area F
- Waste Management Area G
- Waste Management Area H
- Liquid Dispersal Area
- Acid, Chemical and Solvent Pits
- Waste Tank Farm
- Ammonium Nitrate Decomposition Plant
- Thorium Nitrate Pit
- Glass Block Experiments
- Bulk Storage Area
- CRL Waste Treatment Centre (WTC)
- Whiteshell Laboratories
- Chalk River Laboratories
- 5.1.8 Monserco Limited
- 5.1.9 Cameco Blind River Refinery/Port Hope Conversion Facility/Port Hope Fuel Fabrication Facility Waste and By-Product Management
Annex 6 - Uranuim Mine and Mill Facilities
- 6.1 Background
- 6.2 Province of Saskatchewan
6.3 Operational tailings and waste rock management strategy
- 6.3.1 Overview
- 6.3.2 Tailings management strategy
- 6.3.3 Waste rock management strategy
- 6.3.4 Wastewater treatment and effluent discharge
6.4 Waste Management Facilities
6.4.1 Key Lake
- Tailings management
- Waste rock management
- Contaminated industrial wastes
6.4.2 Rabbit Lake
- Tailings management
- Waste rock management
- Contaminated industrial wastes
6.4.3 McClean Lake
- Tailings management
- Waste rock management
- Contaminated industrial wastes
6.4.4 Cigar Lake
- Tailings management
- Waste rock management
- Contaminated industrial wastes
6.4.5 McArthur River
- Tailings management
- Waste rock management
- Contaminated industrial wastes
6.4.1 Key Lake
Annex 7 - Decommisioning Activities
7.1 AECL Whiteshell Laboratories
- 7.1.1 Underground Research Laboratory (URL)
- 7.2 AECL Gentilly-1 Waste Management Facility
- 7.3 AECL Douglas Point Waste Management Facility
- 7.4 AECL Nuclear Power Demonstration Waste Management Facility
7.5 AECL Chalk River Laboratories decommissioning activities
- 7.5.1 Pool Test Reactor
- 7.5.2 Plutonium Recovery Laboratory
- 7.5.3 Plutonium Tower
- 7.5.4 Waste Water Evaporator
- 7.5.5 National Research Experimental (NRX) Reactor
7.6 Cluff Lake Project
7.6.1 Mill area
- Mining area
- 7.6.2 Tailings Management Area
- 7.7 Bruce Heavy Water Plant
7.6.1 Mill area
Annex 8 - Inactive Uranium Mines and Mills Tailings Management Areas
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Saskatchewan
- Beaverlodge
- Gunnar and Lorado
8.1.2 Northwest Territories
- Port Radium
- Rayrock
8.1.3 Ontario
- Elliot Lake area
- Agnew Lake
- Bancroft area
- Dyno Idle Mine Site
- Madawaska Mine Site
- Bicroft Tailings Storage Facility
8.1.1 Saskatchewan
8.2 Contaminated lands
8.2.1 Contaminated land under institutional control
- Consolidated cells
- Fort McMurray
- Fort Smith
- Passmore Storage Cell
- Tulita
- Peterborough
- Lakeshore Road
- Deloro
8.2.2 Historic contaminated lands
- Fort Fitzgerald
- Sahtu Region
- Toronto, Ontario
- Port Hope Area Initiative for the long-term management of historic low-level radioactive wastes
- Port Hope contaminated sites
8.2.1 Contaminated land under institutional control
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