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Archived Web Page: Draft Regulatory Document RD-364Joint Canada - United States Guide for Approval of Type B(U) and Fissile Material Transportation Packages

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This section of the application should describe the acceptance tests and maintenance program, as required by Paragraph 807(d) of TS-R-1 as referenced in Paragraph 7(1)(a) of the PTNS Regulations, to be used for the packaging in compliance with Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71 and Paragraph 501 of TS-R-1 as referenced in Subsection 16(4) of the PTNS Regulations. The acceptance tests and maintenance program will be included in the certificate by reference as a condition of approval.

8.1 Acceptance Tests

This section should describe the tests, as required in 10 CFR 71.85 and Paragraph 501 of TS-R-1 as referenced in Subsection 16(4) of the PTNS Regulations, to be performed before the first use of each packaging. Each test and its acceptance criteria should be described. The acceptance tests should confirm that each packaging is fabricated in accordance with the drawings referenced in the package approval. The specificity of the information provided on the acceptance tests should be sufficient to verify the adequacy of the packaging.

Paragraph 501 of TS-R-1 and 10 CFR 71.85 contain slightly different requirements for acceptance testing. 10 CFR 71.85 requires that it be determined that there are no cracks, pinholes, uncontrolled voids, or other defects that could significantly reduce the effectiveness of the packaging; Paragraph 501 of TS-R-1 requires that the effectiveness of its shielding and containment and, where necessary, the heat transfer characteristics and the effectiveness of the confinement system, are within the limits for the approved design. If the design pressure of the containment system exceeds 35 kPa (gauge), Paragraph 501 requires it be ensured that the containment system of each package conforms to the approved design requirements relating to the capability of that system to maintain its integrity under that pressure. 10 CFR 71.85 more specifically requires a test of the containment system at an internal pressure at least 50 percent higher than the maximum normal operating pressure.

Additional regulatory requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 applicable to the acceptance tests include the following:

  1. The application must identify codes, standards, and the specific provisions of the quality assurance program used for the acceptance testing of the packaging (10 CFR 71.31(c) and 10 CFR 71.37(b));
  2. Before first use, the fabrication of each packaging must be verified to be in accordance with the approved design (10 CFR 71.85(c));
  3. Before first use, each packaging must be conspicuously and durably marked with its model number, serial number, gross weight, and a package identification number assigned by the NRC (10 CFR 71.85(c));
  4. The licensee must perform any tests deemed appropriate by the NRC (10 CFR 71.93(b)); and
  5. Before first use, if applicable, the amount and the distribution of the neutron absorbing materials and moderators must be verified to meet the design specification (10 CFR 71.87(g)).

Additional guidance on acceptance tests is provided in NUREG/CR-3854 Fabrication Criteria for Shipping Containers [21].

8.1.1 Visual Inspections and Measurements

This section should describe the visual inspections to be performed and the intended purpose of each inspection. The criteria for acceptance of each inspection, as well as the action to be taken if non-compliance is encountered, should be described. The inspections should verify that the packaging has been fabricated and assembled in accordance with the drawings, and that all dimensions and tolerances specified on the drawings are confirmed by measurement.

8.1.2 Weld Examinations

This section should describe welding examinations used to verify fabrication in accordance with the drawings, codes, and standards specified in the application. The locations, types, and sizes of welds should be confirmed by measurement. Other applicable specifications for weld performance, non-destructive examination, and acceptance should be identified.

Additional guidance on welding criteria is provided in NUREG/CR-3019 Recommended Welding Criteria for Use in the Fabrication of Shipping Containers for Radioactive Materials [27].

8.1.3 Structural and Pressure Tests

This section should identify and describe the structural or pressure tests. Such tests should comply with 10 CFR 71.85(b) and Paragraph 501(a) of TS-R-1 (see box in section 8.1), as well as applicable codes or standards specified. The sensitivity of the tests, and the actions taken when the prescribed criteria are not met, should be specified. Structural testing of lifting trunnions should be conducted in accordance with NUREG-0612 Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants [18], ANSI N14.6 Special Lifting Devices for Shipping Containers Weighing 10000 Pounds (4500 kg) or More [3], or other appropriate specification.

8.1.4 Leakage Tests

This section should describe the leak tests to be performed on the containment vessel, as well as auxiliary equipment. The leakage tests should be in compliance with ANSI-N14.5 [1] or ISO 12807 [11]. The acceptable leakage criterion should be consistent with that identified in Section 4. The sensitivity of the tests should be specified including the basis of this value, the criteria for acceptance, and the action to be taken if the criteria are not met. Methods for leak testing of all containment seals and penetrations, including drain and vent ports, should be described. The maximum allowable leakage rate and the minimum test sensitivity should be specified for each type of test (e.g., fabrication, maintenance, periodic, and pre-shipment leakage rate tests).

8.1.5 Component and Material Tests

This section should specify the appropriate tests and acceptance criteria for components that affect package performance. In addition, this section should specify test sensitivity, if applicable, provide acceptance criteria, and describe the action to be taken if those criteria are not met. Applicable quality assurance procedures should be described to justify that the tested components are equivalent to the components that will be used in the packaging.

This section should also specify the appropriate tests and acceptance criteria for packaging materials. Tests should include those components, such as gaskets, under conditions that simulate the most severe service conditions under which they are to perform, including performance at pressure and under high and low temperatures. Tests for neutron absorbers (e.g., boron) and insulating materials (e.g., foams, fiberboard) should ensure that minimum specifications for density and isotopic content are achieved. In addition, tests that demonstrate the ability of the materials to meet the performance specifications shown on the engineering drawings should be described.

8.1.6 Shielding Tests

This section should specify the appropriate shielding tests for both neutron and gamma radiation. These tests and acceptance criteria should be sufficient to ensure that no defects, voids, or streaming paths exist in the shielding.

8.1.7 Thermal Tests

This section should specify the appropriate tests to demonstrate the heat transfer capability of the packaging. These tests should confirm that the heat transfer performance determined in the thermal evaluation (Section 3 of the application) is achieved in the fabrication process.

8.1.8 Miscellaneous Tests

This section should describe any additional tests to be performed prior to use of the packaging.

8.2 Maintenance Program

This section should describe the maintenance program used to ensure continued performance of the packaging as required by Paragraphs 310(b) of TS-R-1 as referenced in Paragraph 13(a) of the PTNS Regulations and Paragraph 807(d) of TS-R-1 as referenced in Paragraph 7(1)(a) of the PTNS Regulations. This program should include periodic testing, inspection, and replacement schedules, as well as criteria for replacement and repair of components and subsystems on an as-needed basis. The information provided on the maintenance program should be sufficient to demonstrate that the performance of the packaging will not degrade during its service life. The specificity of the information should be consistent with the importance of the maintenance in assuring this continued performance.

Regulatory requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 applicable to the maintenance program include the following:

  1. The application should identify codes, standards, and the specific provisions of the quality assurance program used for the maintenance program for the packaging (10 CFR 71.31(c) and 10 CFR 71.37(b));
  2. The packaging must be maintained in unimpaired physical condition except for superficial defects such as marks or dents (10 CFR 71.87(b));
  3. The presence of any moderator or neutron absorber, if required, in a fissile material package must be verified prior to each shipment (10 CFR 71.87(g)); and
  4. The licensee must perform any tests deemed appropriate by the NRC (10 CFR 71.93(b)).

8.2.1 Structural and Pressure Tests

This section should identify and describe any periodic structural or pressure tests. Such tests should comply with 10 CFR 71.85(b), as well as applicable codes, standards, or other procedures specified in the application. Periodic structural testing of lifting trunnions should be conducted in accordance with NUREG-0612 [18], ANSI N14.6 [3], or other appropriate specification.

8.2.2 Leakage Tests

This section should describe the tests to be performed, the frequency with which those tests are performed, and the sensitivity of each test. For most systems, this description should include a test of the package before each shipment and annually. The leakage tests should be in compliance with ANSI N14.5 [1] or ISO 12807 [11]. The acceptable leakage criterion should be consistent with that identified in Section 4, Containment, of the application. In general, this section should specify that elastomeric seals should be replaced and leak tested within the 12-month period before shipment, and that metallic seals should also be replaced and tested before each shipment.

8.2.3 Component and Material Tests

This section should describe the periodic tests and replacement schedules for components. Appropriate tests and their acceptance criteria to ensure packaging effectiveness for each shipment should be specified. Any process that could result in deterioration of packaging materials, including loss of neutron absorbers, reduction in hydrogen content of shields, and density changes of insulating materials should be addressed. Replacement intervals for components, such as bolts, that are susceptible to fatigue should be specified.

8.2.4 Thermal Tests

This section should describe the periodic tests used to ensure heat-transfer capability during the service life of the packaging. This section should describe periodic thermal tests, similar to the acceptance tests discussed in Section 8.1.7, and the interval for the tests, which is typically five years.

8.2.5 Miscellaneous Tests

Any additional tests to be performed periodically on the package or its components should be described.

8.3 Appendix

The appendix should include a list of references, applicable pages from referenced documents, test data and reports, and other appropriate supplemental information.

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