Atomic Energy of Canada Limited National Research Universal Reactor Safety System Upgrades and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's Licensing and Oversight Process
Appendix G
AECL Appearances before the CNSC Commission mid-2005 to mid-2006
1. May 19, 2005 Meeting - Interim report on Whiteshell
2. May 19, 2005 Meeting - Mid-term report on Chalk River
3. May 20, 2005 Hearing - Decommissioning Financial Guarantee for MAPLE and NPF
4. June 29, 2005 Meeting - Significant Development Report on MAPLE Guaranteed Shutdown State Event
5. June 29, 2005 Meeting - Significant Development Report on NRU Fuel Uncovered in Fuel Rod Flask Event
6. June 29, 2005 Hearing - Environmental Assessment for Continued Operation of NRU
7. Aug. 18, 2005 Hearing - Day 1 for MAPLE and NPF Licence Renewals
8. Oct. 18, 2005 Hearing - Continued Operation of NRU
9. Oct. 18, 2005 Hearing - Day 2 for MAPLE and NPF Licence Renewals
10. Dec. 1, 2005 Meeting - Update on Sewage Sludge Management
11. Feb. 16, 2006 Meeting - Update on NRU Improvement Initiative
12. Mar. 30, 2006 Hearing - Environmental Assessment for Liquid Waste Storage Facility
13. Apr. 26, 2006 Hearing - Day 1 for CRL Site Licence Renewal
14. Apr. 27, 2006 Hearing - Environmental Assessment for Shielded Modular Above Ground Storage
15. May 19, 2006 Meeting - Update on Building 250 Fire
16. June 28, 2006 Hearing - Day 2 for CRL Site Licence Renewal
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