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Atomic Energy of Canada Limited National Research Universal Reactor Safety System Upgrades and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's Licensing and Oversight Process

Appendix B

Independent Review Team Member Resumés

Hugh L. Thompson, Jr.

Vice President


Mr. Thompson is a Vice President at Talisman. Before joining Talisman, he was a Senior Nuclear Regulatory Advisor in SCIENTECH's litigation assistance practice. He has more than 33 years of nuclear safety experience, including senior level management positions at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Prior to joining SCIENTECH in 1999, Mr. Thompson was the Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Programs at the NRC. In that position, he directed the licensing, inspection, and rulemaking activities for all NRC licensed nuclear reactors, the oversight of DOE's high-level radioactive waste program, the decontamination and decommissioning of contaminated sites, and the material licensees regulated by both the 29 Agreement States and the NRC. Mr. Thompson has also held the positions of Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Director of the Division of Licensing, and Director of the Division of Human Factors Safety for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

Mr. Thompson has testified before congressional committees and the NRC Commission on issues such as safety issues at nuclear facilities, NRC's HLW program, potential NRC oversight of DOE facilities, and Y2K safety concerns. Mr. Thompson has been an expert witness in several litigations involving NRC licensees.

Mr. Thompson has provided litigation assistance and expert testimony on cases involving NRC regulatory actions. He also chaired an Independent Technical Review Panel evaluating safety concerns of a planned DOE remediation at a low-level radioactive waste burial site, provided oversight for the search for lost fuel rods at Millstone Unit 1, and supported the restart activities at Honeywell Metropolis Plant.


J.D., George Washington University, 1978
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1972
B.S., Naval Science, U.S. Naval Academy, 1965


Executive Services and Litigation Support. Assisted in investigations and an arbitration concerning the prudence of actions taken during the operation of a three-unit nuclear power station in response to a proceeding initiated by minority owners. Analyzed testimonies and reports presented by opposing witnesses and assisted client attorneys in preparing interrogatories and discovery requests about these testimonies. Assisted client attorneys during depositions and cross-examination of opposing technical experts. Provided expert testimony concerning the regulatory requirements and other factors that would have been involved in the licensing of a very low-level waste disposal site in a NRC Agreement State. Provided expert consultation on the licensing requirements for a project being considered to process depleted uranium, the management and disposal of radioactive waste, and the license termination requirements for the West Valley Demonstration Project. Mr. Thompson has provided oversight of the Northeast Utilities search for the lost fuel rods, participated in two due diligence reviews related to nuclear utility mergers, and has provided extensive expert support for the DOE Licensing Support Network for DOE's Yucca Mountain project. Mr. Thompson has also supported several independent reviews of allegations at NRC licensed facilities, including operating nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities.

Management - Twenty years of program management experience with U.S. government organizations ranging from 10 - 1,500 persons. Ten years experience as Deputy Executive Director for Operations. During the last two years in that position, he directed all NRC regulatory programs, including the four NRC Regional Offices.

Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Material Regulatory Management - As Director of NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, he directed the licensing, inspection, and environmental reviews of the following activities regulated by the NRC:

  • Uranium recovery and nuclear fuel fabrication and development
  • Medical, industrial, academic, and commercial uses of radioisotopes
  • Safeguard activities
  • Transportation and storage of spent nuclear fuel and other radioactive materials
  • High- and low-level radioactive waste management and disposal
  • Uranium Mill tailings cleanup and stabilization

Low-level Waste - Managed the development of Site Acceptance Methodology for low-level waste disposal. Directed and contributed to the regulatory framework for packaging, shipping, and disposing of low-level waste. Developed the guidance and managed the NRC review of state and compact implementation plans for low-level waste disposal. After leaving the NRC, chaired the Independent Technical Review Panel chartered by DOE to evaluate safety concerns raised about the planned characterization of Pit 9 at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.

High-level Waste - Managed and directed the NRC's program for decommissioning, and was responsible for developing the supporting data and analysis for promulgation of NRC regulations for decommissioning. Led the NRC oversight of DOE efforts to characterize the Yucca Mountain site. Directed and directly participated in numerous interactions with DOE, EPA OSTP, and OMB over cleanup standards. In 2001-2002, provided oversight to Northeast Nuclear Utilities in their efforts to locate two spent fuel rods at the Millstone Unit 1 station.

Nuclear Reactor Safety Management - Directed and implemented nuclear reactor regulation programs including licensing, inspection, enforcement, and rulemaking. Also directed and implemented the NRC regulatory program for training and licensing reactor operators. Positions held included the following:

  • Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Programs
  • Division Director in Reactor Regulation for Licensing all reactor designs
  • Division Director in Reactor Regulation for Westinghouse reactor licensing, reactor system safety and radiological safety
  • Division Director in Reactor Regulation for Human Factors Safety
  • Environmental project manager for a number of light water reactors for the construction and for operations.

Operational Readiness Review - Led NRC operational readiness team reviews as part of licensing reviews following TMI-2 accident. Focus included not only plant physical condition, but also licensed operators' training and readiness. Conducted an Independent Safety Review of an operating nuclear fuel facility. Was a team member of a DOE contractor's self-assessment of Integrated Safety Management effectiveness.

Security - Developed and implemented security standards for U.S. commercial nuclear industry, including both powers reactor and major fuel cycle facilities.

Emergency Preparedness - Directed NRC's reactor safety and protective measures teams in headquarters emergency response organization. Led and participated in NRC emergency response exercises for commercial nuclear facilities, both reactor and non-reactor facilities. Developed NRC emergency preparedness regulations and directed their implementation.

Human Factors Safety - Directed the development and implementation of the human factors requirements that followed the accident at TMI 2. This included the redesign of reactor control rooms, the revisions to the emergency operating procedures, the training and qualification of the licensed reactor operators, the qualification and experience of the senior reactor operators, and the requirements for plant-specific simulators for both training and testing. Directed and implemented the initial NRC re-qualification of licensed reactors operators. Lead NRC review that endorsed the INPO National Academy for Nuclear Training program.

IT and Y2K - Directed NRC's internal IT program from 1990-1995. Developed and implemented the regulatory response for NRC's oversight of the nuclear industry Y2K response. Represented NRC on the President's Y2K Conversion Council 1997 and 1998.


TALISMAN International, LLC, Vice President, 2001- present

SCIENTECH, Inc. Senior Nuclear Regulatory Advisor, 1999-2001

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1975-1999

Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Programs, 01/97-12/98
Deputy Executive Director for Nuclear Materials Safety Safeguards Administration and Operations Support, 02/89-01/97
Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, 02/87-02/89
Director, Divisions of Licensing and PWR Licensing, NRR, 03/85-02/87
Director, Division of Human Factors Safety, NRR, 12/81-03/85
Director, Planning and Program Analysis Staff, NRR, 09/80-12/81 and
Senior Technical Advisor, various assignments, 09/75-09/80

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1972-1975

Environmental Project Manager

Alabama Power Company, 1970-1972

Nuclear licensing engineer

U.S. Nuclear Navy, 1965-1970

Nuclear Submarine Program


NRC Distinguished Service Award, 1991
Distinguished Senior Executive Award, 1991
Meritorious Senior Executive Award, 1987 and 1996
President's Council on Y2K Conversion - Outstanding Service, 1998
DOE Certificate of Appreciation - Pit 9 Project, 1999

Security Clearance

NRC Q Clearance (inactive)
Millstone Nuclear Power Station Security Access (inactive)
Department of Justice Public Trust Clearance (active)

Publications and Litigation Support:

Authored numerous NRC documents including Environmental Impact Statements, expert testimony in licensing hearings, NRC Testimony before Congressional Committees or Subcommittees including DOE's High Level Waste Program, NRC Oversight of DOE, and Y2K Readiness of Operating Nuclear Power Reactors, (1973-1998).

Thompson, Hugh L., Deposition in Support of Plaintiff, Nuclear Fuel Services v. Envirocare of Utah, Inc. and Khorow B. Semnani, Utah State Court, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 1999, Record Sealed.

Thompson, H.L. et al., Independent Technical Review of Proposed Drilling Activities for Operable Unit 7-10 Staged Interim Action (Alternate Pit 9 Project), for the U.S. Department of Energy, October 1999.

Hugh L. Thompson, Jr. et al., Independent Review Team Memorandum to Frank Rothen, IRT Oversight of the Millstone Unit One Fuel Rod Accountability Project (FRAP) and Approval of Final FRAP Report, October 9, 2001.

H. L. Thompson, Letter Termination Report to J. A. Van Vliet, Termination of the Implementation of an Increased Facility Radioactive Source Inventory Limit and Shipping Port Fuel Removal, Flour Hanford Operational Readiness Review, March 8, 2002.

Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. Docket No. 50-423-LA-3, Affidavit of Dominion Nuclear Connecticut Outside Expert Panel, H. L. Thompson, Jr. et al., March 18, 2002.

Hugh Thompson, et al., Review Team Report of Potential Chilling Effect in Designated Organizations At Indian Point Energy Center, January 17, 2007.

Jon R. Johnson

Senior Nuclear Safety Consultant


Jon Johnson is a Senior Nuclear Safety Consultant with Talisman International. He has over 30 years of experience in the nuclear regulatory industry, with expertise in the areas of nuclear safety, reactor safety licensing, inspection policy, engineering and technical reviews, and nuclear oversight. He has advised national and international nuclear utilities and governmental executives regarding nuclear safety and regulatory policy. As a member of the Safety Review Board for two nuclear stations, he reviewed all aspects of quality assurance activities and non-conformance reports as well as all self assessments of safety related activities. He has provided advice to license applicants on effective implementation of NRC and industry (ASME NQA-1) QA standards.

While at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Mr. Johnson directed licensing and inspection activities as part of the Reactor Oversight Program at all nuclear power reactor facilities in the United States. He was also responsible for leadership of NRC renewal of operating licenses, licensing of advanced nuclear reactors and risk-informed regulations as Deputy Director of NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Mr. Johnson received the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award from the President of the United States for sustained superior achievement in managing programs in the Senior Executive Service.

As Deputy Regional Administrator for Region II, he was directly responsible for administering licensing, inspection, enforcement, budgeting, travel, human resource, legal, public affairs, state liaison, training, and emergency preparedness programs for one of NRC's largest regional offices.


M. Eng., Nuclear Engineering, University of Virginia
B.S., Physics (with distinction), U.S. Naval Academy


Management - As Deputy Director of NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), assisted the Director in managing a staff of 600 personnel and responsible for the following areas: engineering and technical reviews, licensing and license renewal, inspection and oversight programs (ROP), assessment, event response, security, and maintenance rule implementation for all NRC-operating reactors in the U.S. Other responsibilities included certification and licensing of advanced reactors and the renewal of current power reactor operating licenses. During this position also served as the NRC's Chairman of the License Renewal Steering Committee. Provided NRC oversight of the technical staff's safety evaluation and environmental reviews as well as the budgeting and management of resources to implement Commission policy. As Deputy Regional Administrator for Region II, directly responsible for administering licensing, inspection, enforcement, budgeting, travel, human resource, legal, public affairs, state liaison, training, and emergency preparedness programs for one of NRC's largest regional offices. This included reactor safety as well as radioactive materials safety (medical and industrial) and fuel facility safety programs.

Reactor Safety Licensing and Inspection Policy - While a Senior Nuclear Safety and Engineering Consultant, provided advice to national and international nuclear utilities and governmental managers regarding nuclear reactor licensing and inspection policy. Also provided advice to the nuclear industry regarding advanced reactor policy. As Deputy Director of the Office of NRR developed risk-informed regulations, operator licensing, advanced reactor licensing, and generic Technical Specification development. In this position also provided expert advice on policy matters to the NRC Commissioners, Congress, and the White House. Served as the NRC principle spokesman along with the Industry Steering Committee Chairman during periodic open public meetings to discuss high priority issues needing regulatory decisions and supervised Regional inspections of aging management programs.

Engineering and Technical Reviews - As a Consultant to a major nuclear utility, reviewed self assessments of engineering processes and designed controls including safety design margins for critical components and systems. As Deputy Director of NRR, responsible for NRC policy on engineering and technical reviews including regulations and industry standards endorsed for implementation, NRC reviewer qualifications, and the preparation of safety evaluations of license applications. As Deputy Regional Administrator, was responsible for oversight of all inspections of design and engineering activities at all power and research reactors and fuel facilities in the Southeastern US. As a Senior NRC Executive in charge of the NRC MC 0350 process for oversight and performance improvement of the Brunswick and Browns Ferry stations, managed all regulatory reviews of engineering design and construction activities. As NRC Manager in Region I, led the Team that determined Seabrook Station was constructed in substantial conformance with the engineering processes and design as described in the FSAR. This ended up being a major factor in the operating license issuance.

Quality Assurance Programs - As a member of the Safety Review Board for two nuclear stations, reviewed all aspects of quality assurance activities and non-conformance reports as well as all self assessments of safety related activities. Provided advice to license applicants on effective implementation of NRC and industry (ASME NQA-1) QA standards. As an NRC Inspector and Manager, reviewed detailed implementation of NRC requirements in 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, including design controls, procurement, testing, and corrective action programs. Led Team assessments of Corrective Action Programs at nuclear reactors with performance issues under close scrutiny of NRC.

Spent Fuel Repository Reviews - As the Chairman of the Executive Assessment Board and a Member of the Executive Team, evaluated a major DOE effort to prepare a license application to the NRC for the world's first deep geological spent fuel repository. This required regulatory advice and licensing guidance. As a Consultant, reviewed the management and Quality Assurance effectiveness of proposed repository programs.

Security - As a Senior Consultant, provided advice on security requirements for advanced reactor sites. Served as Special Senior Safety and Security Advisor to the NRC's Office of the Executive Director for Operations. In this position, managed twelve teams to assess safety and security strategy at all power plants in the U.S. As the Associate Director for Inspection and Programs and, later, Deputy Director for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, responsible for physical security inspection and licensing programs as well as security regulation development at all U.S. civilian reactors. Following 9-11, served on NRC's Executive Task Force to establish strategic plan for NRC's comprehensive re-evaluation of security effectiveness and establish interim requirements.

Diagnostic Evaluations and Self Assessments - As an NRC Manager and Inspector, served on numerous inspection teams evaluating licensees self assessment program effectiveness. Served as NRC's SES manager and chairman of the Brunswick and Browns Ferry MC0350 oversight panels to monitor and lead the recovery actions from prior poor performance. Both facilities subsequently completed world records for safe operating periods.

Nuclear Oversight - Served as Member and Chairman of Nuclear Oversight Boards for a major U.S. utility and a major DOE contractor. As a Senior Nuclear Safety Consultant provided advice to Chief Nuclear Officers and the DOE M&O contractor site President on matters involving nuclear safety, operations excellence, and licensing strategies. As Deputy Director of NRR directly managed implementation of NRC's Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), which also involved engineering and technical review, inspection, assessment, enforcement, security, and emergency response functions for all NRC-operating reactors in the northeast (Region I) and southeast (Region II).

Training and Qualification Programs - As Associate Director and Deputy Director of NRR, was directly responsible for NRC's inspector training and qualification programs as well as oversight of civilian reactor operator licensing and training programs. Directly monitored revision of NRC's inspector training and qualification program and served as chairman of certification boards. While serving in the U.S. Navy worked as Division Director and responsible for development of course instruction for 15 instructors and 800 students that related reactor physics to a naval nuclear power plant.

As a Nuclear Safety Consultant, developed and presented a unique course on risk-informed regulatory approaches and inspection techniques to Eastern European regulators and utility managers. Invited to be principal expert speaker at workshops in Europe for the IAEA on nuclear regulatory strategies in a deregulated electricity market as well as the use of technical support organizations by the regulator. Provided nuclear operator and regulator training advice to foreign regulatory agency.

Research Effectiveness - As Associate Director for Inspection and Programs, served as NRC's representative to the NRC Research Effectiveness Review Board. Reviewed planning and budgeting priorities as well as evaluated the process for coordination between licensing and research for those who user the results of nuclear safety research.

Public Communications - While an Executive in NRC Headquarters and at two Regional offices, represented the NRC to the White House, Congress, state and local officials, the public, and news media. Chaired NRC steering committees, public meetings, workshops, licensee performance reviews and enforcement conferences. Also served as NRC's chief spokesman during emergency exercises.

Reactor Operations and Operational Readiness - As a Senior Nuclear Safety Consultant, provided reactor operations and nuclear safety advice to nuclear utility managers. As NRC Executive at NRC Headquarters and in two Regional offices, was responsible for the safety oversight (ROP) of 103 operating power reactors and 36 research reactors in the US. While an NRC Senior Resident Inspector, conducted daily reactor plant operations and maintenance inspections and regulatory oversight. As an NRC Inspector and Regional Manager, directly responsible for construction completion, operational readiness inspections, and regulatory oversight for power reactors in the licensing stage. As Region II Executive, chaired NRC's licensing and inspection MC 0350 panels to assess the readiness of Progress Energy's Brunswick site and TVA's Browns Ferry reactor to restart after extended shutdown periods. .During period as U.S. Naval Officer, directed dual-reactor plant operations at sea and during refueling overhaul in this position. Also conducted readiness assessments prior to U.S. naval reactor plant restarts.

Emergency Preparedness- While Deputy Director of NRR and a Regional Executive was responsible for reactor safety incident response functions at NRC's Headquarters and two Regional offices. Served as a Member of NRC's Executive Team in NRC Headquarters Incident Response Center during both the Indian Point 2 steam generator tube rupture and response to the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center. Also participated in various crisis exercises as well as directed NRC's emergency response to reactor events while in RC Headquarters. Completed training and qualification as NRC Team Leader for Incident Investigation Teams.

Strategic Planning- Served as NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation representative on NRC's Strategic Planning Panel to update and reform the agency's Strategic Plan. Recommended and developed key approaches to strategies, goals, and objectives as well as methods and means of measuring effectiveness or success. Also presented the budget for NRC's largest office to the agency's Executive Resource Council while in this position.


Talisman International, LLC, Senior Nuclear Safety Consultant, 2003- present

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1978-2003

Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Deputy Regional Administrator, Atlanta
Director, Division of Reactor Projects
Branch Chief, Philadelphia
Senior Resident Inspector, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

U.S. Navy, 1970-1978

Director, Division of Reactor Principles, US Naval Nuclear Power School
Reactor Mechanical Assistant
Nuclear Trained Officer

Honors and Distinctions

Presidential Rank Meritorious Executive Award
NRC Performance and Special Achievement Awards
NRC EEO Award for Outstanding Recruitment of Hispanic Engineers
Chairman, Executive Oversight Board for major DOE M&O contractor
Member of Off Site Safety Review Committee for major US Nuclear Utility
Principle speaker for IAEA workshops for European utility and regulatory managers
Independent Member of Award Committee for private Technical and Scientific Co.
Chairman NRC License Renewal Steering Committee
Chairman NRC's Oversight Panel for MC 0350 Reviews
Member NRC's Research Effectiveness Review Board
Certified NRC Inspector and Incident Investigation Team Leader
Registered Professional Engineer, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Qualified as Chief Nuclear Engineer and Engineering Officer of the Watch, US Navy

Robert V. Fairbank, Jr.

Senior Regulatory and Nuclear Consultant


Robert V. Fairbank, Jr. is a Senior Regulatory and Nuclear Safety Consultant with Talisman International who is recognized for his ability to solve the most complicated and important problems through rigorous analysis and application of wide-ranging experience.

He has over 35 years of nuclear industry experience, including 16 years as a senior manager. Areas of expertise include engineering, regulatory strategy and compliance, quality assurance, project management, and business management.

Nuclear Consultant for over 7 years; providing technical and litigation support, event investigation, employee concern resolution, performance assessment and improvement, independent reviews for executive management and governance boards, and assistance to companies positioning themselves to participate in the nuclear renaissance.


M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh
B.S.M.E., Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University

Professional Experience

Engineering/Regulatory Affairs/Management - Senior Engineering Manager responsible for over 100 engineers of all disciplines. Provided home office engineering and field technical support to nuclear power stations. Engineering Manager for many major plant modifications, overseeing design, procurement, construction, testing and turnover. Managed numerous engineering programs to enhance reliability and safety of production facility operation.

Managed Regulatory Affairs when nuclear operation was under close regulatory scrutiny. Provided expert input to regulatory/legal proceedings and expert testimony before a Federal Licensing Board. Managed license changes that improved plant reliability and availability and reduced costs. Built and mentored teams to scope, develop justification for and implement license changes. Worked with line management and the Federal Regulator.

Project Management - As Project Manager reduced operating costs and improved plant production by completing complex capital and regulatory improvement projects. Applied strong project management fundamentals in managing projects through all phases of the life cycle.

Managed a major design information submittal required by the Federal Regulator. Performed a complete assessment of a dual-unit nuclear plant's design and operation and confirmed compliance with its license. Supervised dozens of individuals from all functional areas over several weeks and met a very strict deadline. The submittal, provided under oath by the Site Vice President, required a rigorous well-documented process and verification of the results.

Managed engineering/project support of regulatory agency team inspections. Organized in-house teams to properly prepare; provided timely and accurate responses to inspection team requests; and promptly apprised management such that prompt action could be taken.

Business and Process Management - As a member of a team of senior managers performed a due diligence review for a large utility contemplating a $30B merger with a large nuclear utility. Researched all aspects of the nuclear business unit to ensure there was no major financial risk.

In the area of strategic planning, increased profitability by tightening the focus on key business results as Business Manager at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Guided and facilitated Senior Management Teams in developing and implementing strategic business plans, long-term and annual operating plans and deregulation strategies & transition plans.

With respect to management of peer groups, improved functional area performance while a senior manager at Boston Edison. Led and participated in a single-unit Boiling Water Reactor benchmarking peer group. Helped managers from different companies and facilities share information, identify and implement industry best practices and standardize processes and deliverables. Facilities, both international and domestic, were of similar size and design. Facilitated several successful functional area (e.g. Security, Operations) benchmarking studies, resulting in savings of up to $7M per year and at times overcoming strong resistance to change.

While a senior manager at Boston Edison reduced costs and staffing levels through alliances. Organized and led the Northeast Energy Alliance, a group of 10 regional nuclear utilities. Individual facilities saved $6M per year and the group more than $100M per year.

In relationship to process improvement, increased engineering product quality and reduced rework and delays. While Engineering Manager at Boston Edison developed and implemented a Design Review Board; served as initial chairperson; recognized by the industry as a best practice. As Manager of Technical Quality at Boston Edison analyzed, developed and implemented processes, procedures and training programs consistent with applicable regulations and best industry practices and increased process efficiency and effectiveness.

As Engineering Manager at Boston Edison and Commonwealth Edison reduced human performance events. Analyzed and trended human performance incidents, identified causal factors and developed and implemented corrective and preventive actions.

Event Investigations - As project manager provided leadership and expertise to high-profile issues with potentially very significant consequences. Investigated missing nuclear fuel at two different nuclear power facilities helping to bring these issues to closure. Led a team of experts, made public presentations to Federal Regulators and state and local oversight committees. The investigations' thoroughness and rigor were recognized and credited by the Federal Regulator.

Led numerous emergent issue response teams as Engineering Manager at Boston Edison and Commonwealth Edison. Led investigations of plant events and equipment failures. Launched investigations by building multi-disciplined teams, developed action plans and schedules, applied a disciplined problem analysis process and achieved timely issue resolution.

Litigation Support - Provided technical consulting services to clients and helped achieve favorable outcomes in insurance and construction claims involving more than $100M. Recognized for thorough research and analysis; enabling legal counsel to build superior cases.

Performance Assessments - Performed independent review of major projects and project management processes for large nuclear utilities executing $100M's of work. Identified weaknesses and provided recommendations to executive management.

Member of a team of senior executives and managers performing independent review of the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility at Savannah River. Team performs focused periodic assessments of the project at the request of and reports findings to the Board of Governors.

Provided objective, independent and comprehensive assessments of nuclear plant performance for Commonwealth Edison and Boston Edison. Assessed key functional areas, as part of a team of senior-level industry experts. Used a standardized methodology to achieve consistent levels of excellence.

Led restart readiness team assessment of Engineering for a nuclear plant shutdown due to safety concerns. Completed a comprehensive assessment, including staff level and qualifications, processes and programs, backlog, and effectiveness of corrective actions. Identified and characterized weaknesses, and provided recommendations to support restart.

Provided independent, executive level oversight and assessment of the operation of nuclear power plants as a Safety Review Committee Member.

Employee Concerns Resolution - Participated in senior management teams that investigated and helped resolve employee concerns and allegations at nuclear fuel cycle and power plants. Conducted interviews, gathered information, performed analysis and developed conclusions and recommendations for executive management.

Performance Improvement - As Engineering Manager and Manager of Regulatory Affairs and Emergency Preparedness at Boston Edison streamlined processes and optimized staffing levels. Mentored staff in performing self-assessment, designing organizational structures, establishing performance metrics and accountability measures, and improving processes and product quality.

Member of the senior management team that turned around performance at nuclear plants.

Management and Technical Support - Performed an independent design review of the Yucca Mountain surface facility conceptual designs for the U. S. Department of Energy.

Assisted an international nuclear plant supplier in licensing a new reactor design. Performed safety system design reviews and helped develop and write the quality assurance program description and implementing procedures.

As Temporary Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager for a large construction company led the resolution of a critical path restart issue at the world's largest nuclear plant recovery project.

Evaluated the capabilities of a geotechnical services company and advised Board of Directors regarding entry into emerging nuclear power market.


Talisman International, LLC 2003-Present Nuclear and Regulatory Consultant

Fairbank Management Services, 2000 - Present Nuclear and Regulatory Consultant

Commonwealth Edison Company, 1996 - 2000 Senior Manager

Boston Edison Company, 1980 - 1996 Senior Manager

Bechtel Power Corporation, 1978 - 1980 Control Systems Group Leader

Westinghouse Electric Company, 1975-1978 Cognizant Engineer

Bechtel Power Corporation, 1970 - 1975 Control Systems Engineer

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