Fees report for fiscal year 2020 to 2021
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Fees report for fiscal year 2020 to 2021
Table of contents
President’s message
On behalf of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, I am pleased to present our report on fees for 2020–21.
The Service Fees Act provides a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through better reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight.
The CNSC has a well-established Cost Recovery Advisory Group, which provides a forum for ongoing and open consultation with representatives of the nuclear sector concerning the operational management of the CNSC’s cost recovery program. The CNSC’s audited financial statements will continue to provide sectoral details on fees and costs by fee category.
About this report
This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act, including the Low‑Materiality Fees Regulations and subsection 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission had the authority to set in 2020–21.
Government of Canada departments may set fees for services, licences, permits, products, the use of facilities, for other authorizations of rights or privileges, or to recover, in whole or in part, costs incurred in relation to a regulatory scheme.
For reporting purposes, fees must be categorized under the following three fee-setting mechanisms:
Act, regulation or fees notice
- An act of Parliament delegates the fee-setting authority to a department, minister or Governor in Council.
- Ministers have the authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament.
Market rate or auction
- The authority to set these fees is pursuant to an act of Parliament or regulation, and the minister, department or Governor in Council has no control over the fee amount.
This report contains information about all fees that are under the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s authority. The report also includes any fees that are collected by another department.
The information covers fees subject to the Service Fees Act and exempted from the Service Fees Act.
For fees set by contract and fees set by market rate or auction, the report provides totals only. For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee.
Although the fees that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission charges under the Access to Information Act were subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s access to information fees for 2020–21 can be found in our access to information report, which is posted on our Web page: CNSC website.
This report does not include remissions issued under the authority of the Service Fees Act, since this requirement took effect on April 1, 2021. Remissions issued under the Service Fees Act will be reported for the first time, as applicable, in the 2021–22 Fees Report, which will be published in 2022–23.
The Service Fees Act requires departments to remit a fee, in part or in full, to a fee payer when a service standard is deemed not met. Under the Service Fees Act and the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, departments had to develop policies and procedures for determining:
- whether a service standard has been met
- how much of a fee will be remitted to a fee payer if a service standard is deemed not met
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission remission policy and procedures were made available to the public as of April 1, 2021, and can be found on the following web page: CNSC Remission Policy.
No other remissions related to fees were issued by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission since it did not have or seek other authorities to remit.
Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism
The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission had the authority to set in 2020–21, by fee-setting mechanism.
Fee-setting mechanism | Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
Fees set by contract | 0 | 0 | Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract. |
Fees set by either market rate or auction | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice | 114,005,416.00 | 118,846,088.75 | 0 |
Total | 114,005,416.00 | 118,846,088.75 | 0 |
Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
The following section presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission had the authority to set in 2020–21 that are set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
A fee grouping is a set of fees relating to a single business line, directorate or program that a department had the authority to set for those activities.
Licences for Class I nuclear facilities, mines and mills, and waste nuclear substance activities: totals for 2020–21
Fee grouping:
Licences for Class I nuclear facilities, mines and mills, and waste nuclear substance activities
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
99,553,795.80 | 99,553,795.80 | 0 |
Licences for Class II nuclear facilities, Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices: totals for 2020-21
Fee grouping:
Licences for Class II nuclear facilities, Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
10,045,282.70 | 12,895,614.26 | 0 |
Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations: totals for 2020-21
Fee grouping:
Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
290,600.00 | 2,797,512.14 | 0 |
Other licences, certifications, information, products or services under nuclear regulations: totals for 2020-21
Fee grouping:
Other licences, certifications, information, products or services under nuclear regulations
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
4,115,737.50 | 3,599,166.55 | 0 |
Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
The complete list of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission fees is available on the CNSC Website.
Fee grouping | Licences for Class I nuclear facilities, mines and mills; and waste nuclear substance activities |
Fee | Regulatory Activity Plan fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations , Part 2 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Assessment Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 1(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Annual Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 1(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Assessment Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 1(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Annual Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 1(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Decommission: Assessment Fee - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 1(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Assessment Fees - Positron Emission Tomorgraphy cyclotron facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 2(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Annual Fees - Positron Emission Tomorgraphy cyclotron facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 2(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Assessment Fees - Positron Emission Tomorgraphy cyclotron facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 2(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Annual Fees - Positron Emission Tomorgraphy cyclotron facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 2(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Decommission : Assessment Fees - Positron Emission Tomorgraphy cyclotron facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 2(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - Geophysical logging accelerator |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 3 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - Geophysical logging accelerator |
Fee-setting authority |
Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 3 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Assessment Fees - Particle accelerator medical facility |
Fee-setting authority |
Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 4(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Annual Fees - Particle accelerator medical facility |
Fee-setting authority |
Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 4(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Assessment Fees - Particale accelerator medical facility |
Fee-setting authority |
Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 4(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Annual Fees -Particle accelerator medial facility |
Fee-setting authority |
Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 4(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Decommission : Assessment Fees - Partcicle accelerator medical facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 4(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct : Assessment Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 5(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Annual Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 5(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate : Assessment Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 5(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate : Annual Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 5(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Decommission: Assessment Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 5(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Assessment Fees - Calibration irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 6(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct : Annual Fees - Calibration irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 6(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Assessment Fees - Calibration irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 6(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate : Annual Fees - Calibration irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 6(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Decommission: Assessment Fees - Calibration irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 6(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Assessment Fees - Other irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 7(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct : Annual Fees - Other irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 7(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Assessment Fees - Other irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 7(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate : Annual Fees - Other irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 7(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Decommission: Assessment Fees - Other irradiator facility |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 7(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Assessment Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 8(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct : Annual Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 8(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Assessment Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 8(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate : Annual Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 8(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct: Assessment Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 9(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Construct : Annual Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 9(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate: Assessment Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 9(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Operate : Annual Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 9(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - Brachytherapy facility — any remote afterloader other than high or low dose rate |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 10 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - Brachytherapy facility — any remote afterloader other than high or low dose rate |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 10 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - Service — Class II prescribed equipment |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 11 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - Service — Class II prescribed equipment |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 11 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - Commercial — external radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 12 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - Commercial — external radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 12 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees: Commercial — internal radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 13 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees: Commercial — Internal radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 13 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees: Commercial radon progeny |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 14 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees: Commercial - radon progeny |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 14 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - Commercial — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 15 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - Commercial — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 15 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - In-house — external radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 16 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - In-house — external radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 16 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - In-house — internal radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 17 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - In-house — internal radiation |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 17 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees: In-house -radon progeny |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 18 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees: In-house - radon progeny |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 18 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - In-house — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 19 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - In-house — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 19 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - Consolidated uses of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 20 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - Consolidated uses of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 20 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Fixed Gauges Assessment Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 21(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Fixed Gauges Annual Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 21(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Portable Gauges Assessment Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 21(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Portable Gauges Annual Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 21(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Assessment Fees - Industrial radiography |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 22 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Annual Fees - Industrial radiography |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 22 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Diagnostic nuclear medicine Assessment Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 23(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Diagnostic nuclear medicine Annual Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 23(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Therapeutic nuclear medicine Assessment Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 23(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Therapeutic nuclear medicine Annual Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 23(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Human research Assessment Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 23(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Human research Annual Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 23(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Logging sealed source Assessment Fees - Petroleum exploration and production |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 24(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Logging sealed source Annual Fees - Petroleum exploration and production |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 24(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Other petroleum exploration and production Assessment Fees - Petroleum exploration and production |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 24(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Other petroleum exploration and production Annual Fees - Petroleum exploration and production |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 24(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Borehole tube tagging Assessment Fees - Petroleum exploration and production |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 24(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Borehole tube tagging Annual Fees - Petroleum exploration and production |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 24(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Basic servicing — portable gauges or fixed gauges (not both) Assessment Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 25(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Basic servicing — portable gauges or fixed gauges (not both) Annual Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 25(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Complex servicing — industrial radiography devices or any combination of portable gauges, fixed gauges and industrial radiography devices Assessment Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 25(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Complex servicing — industrial radiography devices or any combination of portable gauges, fixed gauges and industrial radiography devices Annual Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 25(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Laboratory studies Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Laboratory studies Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Processing a quantity not exceeding 10 GBq Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Processing a quantity not exceeding 10 GBq Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Processing a quantity exceeding 10 GBq Assessmentl Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Processing a quantity exceeding 10 GBq Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Repair of components containing radioactive luminous compounds Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(d) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Repair of components containing radioactive luminous compounds Annualt Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(d) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Veterinary nuclear medicine Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(e) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Veterinary nuclear medicine Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(e) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Manufacturing of nuclear substances Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(f) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Manufacturing of nuclear substances Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44 , CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 26(f) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Low risk Assessment Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 27(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Low risk Annual Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 27(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Medium risk Assessment Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 27(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Medium risk Annual Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 27(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Drop shipment Assessment Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 28(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Drop shipment Annual Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 28(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Less than 740 MBq Assessment Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 28(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Less than 740 MBq Annual Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 28(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Equal or greater than 740 MBq Assessment Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 28(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Equal to or greater than 740 MBq Annual Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 28(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Device Manufacturing Assessment Fees - Sealed sources – Group II |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 29(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Device Manufacturing Annual Fees - Sealed sources – Group II |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 29(a) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Calibration Assessment Fees - Sealed sources – Group II |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 29(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Calibration Annual Fees - Sealed sources – Group II |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 29(b) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Medium risk Assessment Fees - Sealed sources – Group II |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 29(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Medium risk Annual Fees - Sealed sources – Group II |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 29(c) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Manual brachytherapy Assessment Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 30 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Manual brachytherapy Annual Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 30 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Development and testing devices Assessment l Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 31 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Development and testing devices Annual Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 31 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Possession of deuterium Assessment Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 32 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Posession of deuterium Annual Fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 32 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences for Class II nuclear facilities; Class II prescribed equipment; dosimetry services; and nuclear substances and radiation devices |
Fee | Storage annual fee |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 1, Part 1, Item 33 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Application for licence to transport nuclear material |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 1 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a licensing decision within 20 business day of receipt of a complete application where a transportation secruity plan is not required or where an approved transprotation security plan is already in place and is application for the license required. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert. 'A' value <= 1, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2 (a)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package desgin similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert. 'A' value <= 1, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(a)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identical to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert. 'A' value <= 1, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(a)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(b)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(b)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(b)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(c)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(c)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(c)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(d)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(d)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(d)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2,Item 2(e)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(e)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(e)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design -Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(f)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(f)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(f)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(g)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(g)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(g)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(h)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2,Item 2(h)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with no fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(h)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(i)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 (No FEA)/550 (with FEA) days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification not requiring/requiring structural finite element analysis. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(i)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 2(i)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a package design identical to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with fissile mat'l |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(a)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 1 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(a)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 1 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(a)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 1 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(b)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 2 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(b)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 2 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(b)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 2 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(c)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 3 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(c)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 3 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(c)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 3 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(d)(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 4 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(d)(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 4 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 3(d)(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 4 |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 4(i) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 90 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of identical design (renewal). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a new Class II prescribed equipment - Class II prescribed equipment certification |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 4(ii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 365 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a new certification. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Assessment of a Class II prescribed equipment similar to a certified Class prescribed equipment - Class II prescribed equipment certification |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 4(iii) |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 180 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for a prescribed equipment of similar design (amend). At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Licences and certifications under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Exposure device operator certification |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Schedule 2, Item 5 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Issue a certification decision within 60 days of receipt of an application, deemed complete (fees and technical information) by the CNSC, for initial certification as an EDO. At least 80% of the time. |
Performance result | Service Standard introduced April 1, 2021 |
Fee grouping | Other licences, certifications, information, products or services under nuclear regulations |
Fee | Special project fees |
Fee-setting authority | Nuclear Safety and Control Act, 44, CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, Part 5 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | 2015 |
Service standard | Exempt |
Performance result | Exempt |
Supplemental table
Fees report for fiscal year 2020 to 2021 – supplemental table
Fee | Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | 2020-21 fee amount ($) | 2020-21 total fee revenue ($)* | Fee adjustment date | Adjusted fee amount in 2022-23 ($) |
Regulatory Activity Plan fees | Material (Formula) | Fee = Full cost of the regulatory activity plan prepared by the Commission for the applicant’s or licensee’s facility or activity | 99,553,795.80 | April 1, 2022 | Fee = Full cost of the regulatory activity plan prepared by the Commission for the applicant’s or licensee’s facility or activity |
Construct: Assessment Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct: Annual Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Assessment Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Annual Fees - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Decommission: Assessment Fee - Linac and/or electrostatic particle accelerator research facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Construct: Assessment Fees - Positron Emission Tomography cyclotron facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 17,787.45 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct: Annual Fees - Positron Emission Tomography cyclotron facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Assessment Fees - Positron Emission Tomography cyclotron facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Annual Fees - Positron Emission Tomography cyclotron facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Decommission : Assessment Fees - Positron Emission Tomography cyclotron facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - Geophysical logging accelerator | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 45,628.17 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - Geophysical logging accelerator | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Construct: Assessment Fees - Particle accelerator medical facility | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 136,225.41 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct: Annual Fees - Particle accelerator medical facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Assessment Fees - Particale accelerator medical facility | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Annual Fees -Particle accelerator medial facility | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Decommission : Assessment Fees - Particle accelerator medical facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Construct : Assessment Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 14,561.66 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct: Annual Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate : Assessment Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate : Annual Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Decommission: Assessment Fees - Pool-type irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Construct: Assessment Fees - Calibration irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct : Annual Fees - Calibration irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Assessment Fees - Calibration irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate : Annual Fees - Calibration irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Decommission: Assessment Fees - Calibration irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Construct: Assessment Fees - Other irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 17,244.43 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct : Annual Fees - Other irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Assessment Fees - Other irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate : Annual Fees - Other irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Decommission: Assessment Fees - Other irradiator facility | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Construct: Assessment Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 54,392.05 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct : Annual Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Assessment Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate : Annual Fees - Radioactive source teletherapy machine | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Construct: Assessment Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 5,668.07 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Construct : Annual Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate: Assessment Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Operate : Annual Fees - Brachytherapy facility — high dose rate and low dose rate remote afterloader | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - Brachytherapy facility — any remote afterloader other than high or low dose rate | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - Brachytherapy facility — any remote afterloader other than high or low dose rate | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - Service — Class II prescribed equipment | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 386,732.08 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - Service — Class II prescribed equipment | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - Commercial — external radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 31.330.90 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - Commercial — external radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees: Commercial — internal radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 15,651.07 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees: Commercial — Internal radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees: Commercial radon progeny | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 15,679.84 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees: Commercial - radon progeny | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - Commercial — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - Commercial — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - In-house — external radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - In-house — external radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - In-house — internal radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 12,837.33 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - In-house — internal radiation | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees: In-house -radon progeny | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees: In-house - radon progeny | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - In-house — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 213,173.54 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - In-house — consolidated licence (any 2 of external radiation, internal radiation and radon progeny) | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - Consolidated uses of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per laboratory x number of laboratories)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 33,723.61 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per laboratory x number of laboratories)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - Consolidated uses of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per laboratory x number of laboratories)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per laboratory x number of laboratories)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Fixed Gauges Assessment Fees | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 5,690,201.90 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Fixed Gauges Annual Fees | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Portable Gauges Assessment Fees | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Portable Gauges Annual Fees | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Assessment Fees - Industrial radiography | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per device manufacturer x number of device manufacturers) + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 1,374,732.35 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per device manufacturer x number of device manufacturers) + (variable hours per bunker x number of bunkers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Annual Fees - Industrial radiography | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Diagnostic nuclear medicine Assessment Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 607,127.52 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Diagnostic nuclear medicine Annual Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Therapeutic nuclear medicine Assessment Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Therapeutic nuclear medicine Annual Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Human research Assessment Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Human research Annual Fees - Nuclear medicine and human research | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Logging sealed source Assessment Fees - Petroleum exploration and production | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 312,246.10 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Logging sealed source Annual Fees - Petroleum exploration and production | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Other petroleum exploration and production Assessment Fees - Petroleum exploration and production | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Other petroleum exploration and production Annual Fees - Petroleum exploration and production | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Borehole tube tagging Assessment Fees - Petroleum exploration and production | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Borehole tube tagging Annual Fees - Petroleum exploration and production | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Basic servicing — portable gauges or fixed gauges (not both) Assessment Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 356,220.28 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Basic servicing — portable gauges or fixed gauges (not both) Annual Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per device manufacturer x number of device manufacturers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per device manufacturer x number of device manufacturers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Complex servicing — industrial radiography devices or any combination of portable gauges, fixed gauges and industrial radiography devices Assessment Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Complex servicing — industrial radiography devices or any combination of portable gauges, fixed gauges and industrial radiography devices Annual Fees - Servicing, installation and dismantling of devices | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per device manufacturer x number of device manufacturers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per device manufacturer x number of device manufacturers)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Laboratory studies Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 265,656.90 | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Laboratory studies Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per lab x number of labs)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations) + (variable hours per lab x number of labs)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Processing a quantity not exceeding 10 GBq Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Processing a quantity not exceeding 10 GBq Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Processing a quantity exceeding 10 GBq Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Processing a quantity exceeding 10 GBq Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Repair of components containing radioactive luminous compounds Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Repair of components containing radioactive luminous compounds Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Veterinary nuclear medicine Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Veterinary nuclear medicine Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Manufacturing of nuclear substances Assessment Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Manufacturing of nuclear substances Annual Fees - Unsealed nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Low risk Assessment Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | 128,601.89 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient |
Low risk Annual Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Medium risk Assessment Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Medium risk Annual Fees - Sealed sources and radiation devices | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Drop shipment Assessment Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | 179,747.01 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient |
Drop shipment Annual Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Less than 740 MBq Assessment Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours × hourly rate × compliance coefficient | |
Less than 740 MBq Annual Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Equal or greater than 740 MBq Assessment Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Equal to or greater than 740 MBq Annual Fees - Distribution of nuclear substances | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per location x number of locations)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Device Manufacturing Assessment Fees - Sealed sources – Group II | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 104,486.63 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Device Manufacturing Annual Fees - Sealed sources – Group II | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Calibration Assessment Fees - Sealed sources – Group II | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Calibration Annual Fees - Sealed sources – Group II | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Medium risk Assessment Fees - Sealed sources – Group II | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Medium risk Annual Fees - Sealed sources – Group II | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Manual brachytherapy Assessment Fees | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Manual brachytherapy Annual Fees | Material (Formula) | [Base hours + (variable hours per treatment room x number of treatment rooms)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | [Base hours + (variable hours per treatment room x number of treatment rooms)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Development and testing devices Assessment l Fees | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Development and testing devices Annual Fees | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Possession of deuterium Assessment Fees | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 7,755.91 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Possession of deuterium Annual Fees | Material (Formula) | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | April 1, 2022 | Base hours x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | |
Storage annual fee | Material (Formula) | Base hours + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient | 17,870.60 | April 1, 2022 | Base hours + (variable hours per device x number of devices)] x hourly rate x compliance coefficient |
Application for licence to transport nuclear material | Material (>151) | 500.00 | 21,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 537.87 |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert. 'A' value <= 1, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 8,000.00 | 27,650.00 | April 1, 2022 | 8,605.82 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert. 'A' value <= 1, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 2,650.00 | April 1, 2022 | 2,850.69 | |
Assessment of a package design identical to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert. 'A' value <= 1, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 12,000.00 | 5,000 | April 1, 2022 | 12,908.72 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 4,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 4,302.91 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 20,000.00 | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 21,514.54 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 6,650.00 | April 1, 2022 | 7,153.59 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 1 and <= 10, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 14,000.00 | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 15,041.57 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 4,650.00 | April 1, 2022 | 5,002.14 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 22,000.00 | 7,350.00 | April 1, 2022 | 23,666.00 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 7,350.00 | April 1, 2022 | 7,906.59 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 10 and <= 100, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design -Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 20,000.00 | 38,300.00 | April 1, 2022 | 21,514.54 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 6,650.00 | April 1, 2022 | 7,153.59 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 28,000.00 | 12,300.00 | April 1, 2022 | 30,120.36 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 9,300.00 | April 1, 2022 | 10,004.26 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 100 and <= 3,000, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 24,000.00 | 59,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 25,817.45 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 8,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 8,605.82 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with no fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 32,000.00 | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | 34,423.27 |
Assessment of a package design similar to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 10,650.00 | April 1, 2022 | 11,456.50 | |
Assessment of a package design identified to a certified package design - Application for package design Cert.: 'A' value > 3,000, with fissile mat'l | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 1 | Material (>151) | 1,500.00 | 0.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,613.69 |
Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 1 | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 1 | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 2 | Material (>151) | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 3,227.19 |
Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 2 | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 2 | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 3 | Material (>151) | 6,000.00 | 18,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 6,454.36 |
Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 3 | Material (>151) | 2,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 2,151.45 | |
Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 3 | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 4 | Material (>151) | 9,000.00 | 26,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 9,681.55 |
Assessment of a radiation device model similar to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 4 | Material (>151) | 3,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 3,227.19 | |
Assessment of a radiation device model identical to a certified radiation device model - Radiation device model certification - Type 4 | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Assessment of a new Class II prescribed equipment - Class II prescribed equipment certification | Material (>151) | 9,000.00 | 25,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 9,681.55 |
Assessment of a Class II prescribed equipment similar to a certified Class prescribed equipment - Class II prescribed equipment certification | Material (>151) | 3,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 3,227.19 | |
Assessment of a Class II prescribed equipment identical to Class II prescribed equipment - Class II prescribed equipment certification | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 | |
Exposure device operator certification | Material (>151) | 1,000.00 | 46,000.00 | April 1, 2022 | 1,075.73 |
Special project fees | Material (Formula) |
Sum of (a) hourly rate referred to in section 14 by the number of hours of direct regulatory activities and (b) if the Commission obtains professional and special services under contract, the cost of those services. |
4,115,737.50 | April 1, 2022 |
Sum of (a) hourly rate referred to in section 14 by the number of hours of direct regulatory activities and (b) if the Commission obtains professional and special services under contract, the cost of those services. |
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