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Presentations 2023

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Presentations by CNSC President and CEO

August 31 - Remarks by President Velshi at the 5th Canadian Conference on Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration

On August 30, 2023, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address and participated in a panel discussion at the 5th Canadian Conference on Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration. In her remarks , President Velshi she emphasized that developing and implementing safe solutions to radioactive waste and decommissioning must remain a priority for all, along with the duty to consult and involve Indigenous Nations and communities in decisions.

July 27 - Remarks by Rumina Velshi at the World Nuclear University Summer Institute

On July 27, 2023, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered an address to the graduating class of the World Nuclear University Summer Institute in Osaka, Japan. Her remarks highlighted the elements of leadership that will serve future leaders as the nuclear industry undergoes new changes and challenges.

July 20 - Presentation by President Velshi to Bruce Power Board of Directors

On July 20, 2023, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the Bruce Power Board of Directors. President Velshi spoke about recent changes to Commission membership and the CNSC’s ongoing strategic priorities, including transformation; small modular reactor readiness; radioactive waste; safety culture; equity, diversity and inclusion; and strengthening trust. She also addressed Bruce Power’s performance at the Bruce A and B sites, the Major Component Replacement project, isotope production and other ongoing projects. A review of the CNSC’s key files over the past year, including support for Ukraine, regulatory efficiency and the advancement of international collaboration, was also provided.

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June 29 - President Velshi Speaks to Nuclear Energy Agency Task Group Meeting on Gender Balance in the Nuclear Sector.

June 29, 2023 Improving Gender Balance in the Nuclear Sector; President Velshi speaks to the officials of the Nuclear Energy Agency at their headquarters in Paris, France about the continuing need to see more women employed in the nuclear sector around the world.

May 23 - Remarks by President Velshi at the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering

On May23, 2023, President Velshi was a panellist at the 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering for a session on the recruitment and retention of women experts in the nuclear energy sector. In her remarks, she highlighted key areas where meaningful action is needed.

Watch the panel video at

May 16 - Remarks by President Velshi at the International Workshop on Disruptive Technologies for Nuclear Safety Applications

On May 16, 2023, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered remarks on regulating innovation at the International Workshop on Disruptive Technologies for Nuclear Safety Applications in Jeju, South Korea.

May 11 - Presentation by President Velshi to Ontario Power Generation’s Board of Directors

On May 11, 2023, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Board of Directors. President Velshi spoke about recent changes to Commission membership and the CNSC’s ongoing strategic priorities, including transformation; small modular reactor readiness; radioactive waste; safety culture; equity, diversity and inclusion; and strengthening trust. She gave updates on the progress made by CNSC staff in reviewing various OPG project applications and requests, as well as on the CNSC’s key files over the past year, including regulatory efficiency and the advancement of international collaboration.

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April 4 - Presentation by President Velshi to the NB Power Board of Directors

On April 4, 2023, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the NB Power Board of Directors. President Velshi provided an overview of the CNSC and our ongoing strategic priorities, including transformation, small modular reactor readiness, radioactive waste, safety culture; equity, diversity and inclusion; and strengthening trust. She gave an update on the CNSC’s assessment of NB Power’s Point Lepreau Generating Station and on CNSC’s key files over the past year, including legislative initiatives, regulatory readiness and the advancement of international collaboration.

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March 22 - Presentation by President Velshi at the 2023 Review Meeting on the Convention on Nuclear Safety in Vienna

Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, along with Ramzi Jammal, CNSCExecutive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer deliveredCanada’s national presentation at the IAEA Joint 8th and 9th review meeting of the Convention onNuclear Safety.The presentation provided an overview of Canada’s nuclear program, in additionto information required by the Convention concerning Canada’s 9th National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety. (Report: Pages 1-294, Presentation: Pages 295-372)

Feb 24 - Remarks by President Velshi at the 2023 Canadian Nuclear Association conference

On February 24, 2023,Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered keynote remarks at the 2023 Canadian Nuclear Associationconference. She spoke about the CNSC’s global leadership in regulatoryreadiness, noting 3 key areas in which the CNSC, as a leader, has a positiveinfluence: international harmonization and collaboration, ensuring regulatoryreadiness at home, and demonstrating commitment to building trust.

Feb 22 - Presentation by President Velshi to the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities

On February 22, 2023,Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the CanadianAssociation of Nuclear Host Communities. She provided an overview of the CNSC and its ongoing strategic priorities, and discussed key priorities for 2023. These included readinessto regulate small modular reactors and advancements in radioactive waste management, as well as a continued focus on safety cultureand strengthening trust. She also provided an update on the CNSC’s newstrategic stakeholder engagement program, which is in development and willprovide opportunities for greater collaboration between stakeholders and theregulator. To receive an electronic copy of this presentation, please contactthe CNSC at

Feb 13 - Remarks by Rumina Velshi at the 2023 Conference on Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems

On February 13, 2023, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address at the 2023 International Atomic Energy Agency Conference on Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems. In her remarks, President Velshi highlighted strategies for the international nuclear regulatory community prepare to the future in a time of change, emphasizing the need for greater collaboration and regulatory harmonization.

Presentations by CNSC Senior Management

  • September 25, 2023 - Peter Elder, Vice-President and Chief Science Officer, delivered a presentation to the Enlarged Halden HTO Programme Review Group Meeting in Lillehammer, Norway. The focus of the presentation was on the planning of large nuclear power plants and proposed small modular reactor technologies, facilities, and the licencing process.

    Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.

  • May 29, 2023 - Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President, Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, co-chaired the 2023 Code of Conduct meeting in Vienna. He presented “Canada’s view on the Development of the Code of Conduct: Strengthening the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Regime”.

    Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.

  • February 27, 2023 - Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs, and Senior General Counsel, delivered “The Convention on Nuclear Safety” at the 10th session of International Nuclear Law Essentials in Paris, France. The focus of the presentation was the Convention’s raison d’être, its main objectives and the peer review process.

    Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.

Presentations by CNSC staff

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