The CNSC and CSA Group

Working together for a safe nuclear industry
CSA Group (formerly the Canadian Standards Association) develops standards in Canada and around the world in more than 50 areas of technology, affecting our lives at home and at work.
CSA Group is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada and similar American organizations for its standardization activities, which include many areas that are regulated for safety across Canada and the U.S.
Looking around, we see products certified by the CSA Group for health and safety, reliability, quality, and performance. Our toasters and televisions are safe, as are our elevators and backup power equipment at our office buildings.
CSA Group codes, standards and conformity assessment assure the public, businesses, and governments that safety and manufacturing requirements are met in the marketplace.
Equally important to the nuclear sector
As the use of Canadian nuclear technology increases in Canada and abroad, CSA Group nuclear standards become even more important to the nuclear sector.
Since the late 1970s, CSA Group has been developing and maintaining a comprehensive range of nuclear standards, supported by committees of expert volunteer members drawn from industry, general interest, and government stakeholders.
These expert stakeholders, including CNSC staff, participate in CSA Group committees to develop nuclear standards that meet various government policy objectives, as well as industry and regulatory needs.
CSA Group standards now also form a key part of the CNSC’s regulatory framework.
Nuclear standards address a broad spectrum of issues that include environmental protection; waste; decommissioning; management systems; pressure boundary; periodic inspections; safety systems and analysis; electrical safety; structures; and seismic qualification.
Facilitating public access
To ensure the same level of transparency in CSA Group standards development as for other CNSC regulatory documents, the CNSC and CSA Group coordinate communications releases that invite the public to review and comment on draft nuclear standards.
The CNSC also supports free public access to all published CSA nuclear standards through the CSA Communities portal, a free website for interested stakeholders who would like to share their experience with codes and standards.
Through enhanced communication and collaboration with CNSC staff, the nuclear community – as well as the public at large – will continue to benefit from a robust national standards system.
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