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TRIUMF is a large particle accelerator research facility. In addition to research, TRIUMF produces radioisotopes with industrial and medical applications, including leading edge cancer diagnostics and treatments. TRIUMF also tests computer hardware, avionics, and communications equipment for resistance to ionizing radiation.

TRIUMF facility

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Licensee: TRIUMF Inc.
Accelerator type:

Class I:
520 MeV cyclotron

Class II:
42 MeV cyclotron
(2) 30 MeV cyclotrons
24 MeV Cyclotron
13 MeV cyclotron
ISAC I radioactive ion beam accelerator
ISAC II radioactive ion beam accelerator
Electron Linear Accelerator

Owner: TRIUMF Inc.
Status: Operating
Licence issued: (accelerator operating licence): July 1, 2022
Licence expires: June 30, 2032
Start of operation: 1975
Licensing documentation: Request a copy of TRIUMF Inc.’s licence and licence conditions handbook by email at
Facility website: Visit the TRIUMF website

Latest news

Commission proceedings

The Commission is an independent administrative tribunal set up at arm's length from government, without ties to the nuclear industry. Use the links below to find documents related to Commission meetings or hearings.

  • No recent Commission proceedings

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Regulatory actions

The CNSC posts regulatory enforcement actions taken to protect the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment. Use the links below to find out more about any orders or penalties that have been placed on this licensee.

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Licensees must report events and incidents involving licensed activities that could impact the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment to the CNSC. Use the links below to find any information provided by this licensee, as well as other public disclosures made by licensees.

  • No recent disclosures

View all nuclear-related events

Disclosure protocol

As part of CNSC's regulatory requirements, major licensees must have robust public information and disclosure programs in place.

Public Information and Disclosure Program: TRIUMF Inc.

Protecting Canadians and the environment


The CNSC uses information provided by licensees to create our own reports assessing the environmental effects of nuclear facilities or licensed activities.

Health and safety

The CNSC oversees licensee emergency planning and works with other levels of government to ensure the health and safety of Canadians. We also conduct and review health studies on various areas associated with the production, possession or use of nuclear substances.

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