7th International Workshop on CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
October 15-18, 2018
Hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and the CANDU Owners Group (COG), the 7th International Workshop on CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability (CANSAS-2018) has as its objective the sharing of technical information and regulatory practices and experiences associated with CANDU operations, safety analysis and related research. The workshop will highlight the best practices that deal with operation and safety analysis challenges at the national and international levels, as well as the recent research outcomes that help in addressing these challenges.
CANSAS-2018 activities will be held in parallel to the International Severe Accident Management Conference (ISAMC-2018). Since the two events will be at the same location, participants from ISAMC-2018 and CANSAS-2018 will be able to attend speaking series from both events.
CANSAS-2018 topics
CANSAS-2018 will focus on challenging issues for safe operation and long-term sustainability. The following topics are proposed:
- long-term operation, plant reliability and aging management
- safety analysis (physics, thermal-hydraulics and fuel)
- severe accident analysis and probabilistic safety assessment
To develop sustainability in CANDU safe operation, nuclear power plant personnel, regulators and researchers need to understand the current and future challenges facing the reactors under normal and abnormal conditions by sharing relevant information and experiences. Formed in 2000 with members from organizations working on CANDU technology, CANSAS fulfilled the need to bring together subject matter experts in this field. The most recent CANSAS workshops were held in Canada (2014), India (2015), South Korea (2016) and China (2017).
Call for presentations
Location and accommodations
CANSAS-2018 will be held in Canada's capital, Ottawa, Ontario.
Ottawa Old City Hall
111 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1N 9J7
To learn more about where to stay and what to do while in Ottawa, visit: Ottawa Tourism
Language of the workshop and proceedings material
All presentations and discussions will be in English. Presentations may be published on the CNSC's website.
Key dates at a glance
- June 1, 2018: Presentation abstracts due
- July 1, 2018: Last day for participation registration
- September 3, 2018: Extended summary and presentations due
- September 28, 2018: Workshop program emailed to participants
- October 15-18, 2018: Workshop
Registration and participation
Contact information
For assistance with administrative details or for further information, please contact:
Suzanne Charron
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
280 Slater Street
P.O. Box 1046, Station B
Ottawa, ON K1P 5S9
Telephone: 1-613-947-0517
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