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REGDOC-3.6, Glossary of CNSC Terminology - Glossary - T

tailings (résidus)

The waste material and water mixture left over after a mill removes the valuable rocks. The rock material in tailings is usually the size of sand grains or smaller. Note: Tailings that result from uranium milling contain long-lived radionuclides (such as thorium‑230 and radium‑226) produced from the decay of uranium, as well as trace metals like arsenic and nickel. They also contain chemical residues from the milling process.

tank (citerne)

Has the same meaning as in the IAEA Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Note: In the IAEA Regulations, tank means a portable tank (including a tank container), a road tank vehicle, a rail tank vehicle or a receptacle that contains solids, liquids or gases, having a capacity of not less than 450 litres when used for the transport of gases.

tare weight (masse à vide)

The weight of a container and/or packing material without the weight of the material it contains.

task (tâche)

With respect to a systematic approach to training, a discrete segment of work that:

  • has two or more steps
  • has a definite beginning and end
  • constitutes a logical and necessary part of the duty and/or job of the individual who performs this work
task list (liste des tâches)

With respect to a systematic approach to training, the list of tasks that make up the requirements in a job or duty area. The list should also include critical supporting references that provide insight into the scope and difficulty of the tasks.


total body irradiation

TBq (TBq)

terabecquerel, that is, 1012 becquerels; see becquerel.

teaching points (points à enseigner)

With respect to a systematic approach to training, the elements that make up an evaluation objective: discrete steps, skills, factors or concepts requiring separate demonstration or explanation that the trainee must master, learn or do.

technical assessment (évaluation technique)

An assessment based on available science, technical knowledge and analytical methods, to determine whether submitted documents and supporting evidence meet legislative and regulatory requirements and expectations, including codes, standards and best practices. Sometimes informally referred to as a specialist review, technical review or review.

Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Instructions techniques pour la sécurité du transport aérien des marchandises dangereuses)

The document of that name, designated as Doc 9284, published by the International Civil Aviation Organization, as amended from time to time. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

technical review (examen technique)

See technical assessment.

technical staff (personnel technique)

With respect to nuclear criticality safety, personnel with specific skills and experience who can help implement CNSC regulatory requirements. Such personnel may include, but are not limited to, criticality safety, health and safety, and facility process support personnel.

teletherapy machine (appareil de téléthérapie)

A device that is designed to deliver controlled doses of radiation in a collimated beam for therapeutic purposes. (Sources: General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations ; Class II Nuclear Facilities and Prescribed Equipment Regulations )

temporary repair (réparation temporaire)

A repair that temporarily enables a failed or degraded structure, system or component to function according to its original design until a permanent repair or replacement can be completed.

temporary storage (stockage temporaire)

Storage during the transportation cycle when a sealed source is unattended.

tenth‑value layer (TVL) (couche d’atténuation au dixième [CAD])

The thickness of a shield or an absorber that reduces the radiation level to 10 percent of its initial level.

terabecquerel (TBq) (térabecquerel [TBq])

1012 becquerels; see becquerel.

terminal learning objective (TLO) (objectif d’apprentissage final)

A statement that describes the expected performance upon completion of specified training. The statement includes a description, in operational terms, of what the individual must do, the condition under which the performance must be completed, and the standard to which the performance must conform.

testing (essai)

For nuclear power plants, the observation or measurement of condition or functional indicators under controlled conditions to verify that the current performance of a structure, system or component conforms to acceptance criteria.

therapeutic nuclear medicine (médecine nucléaire thérapeutique)

The administration of unsealed sources (nuclear substances) to humans for therapeutic purposes related to their healthcare. Therapeutic nuclear medicine also includes the processing of radiopharmaceuticals and laboratory studies that are part of the therapy.

thermography (thermographie)

A diagnostic technique that uses a thermograph to record the heat produced by different components.

thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) (dosimètre thermoluminescent [DTL])

A type of dosimeter used to monitor exposure to radiation. A TLD measures ionizing radiation exposure by measuring the intensity of visible light emitted from a crystal in the detector when the crystal is heated. The intensity of light emitted is dependent on the radiation exposure.

threat and risk assessment (TRA) (évaluation de la menace et du risque [EMR])

An evaluation of the adequacy of an existing or a proposed physical protection system designed to safeguard against

  1. intentional acts that could pose a threat to the security of a high-security site; and
  2. the exploitation of weaknesses in the physical protection measures of a high-security site.

(Source: Nuclear Security Regulations )

three-way communication (communication avec confirmation du message)

A method of verbal communication designed to reduce potential communication error. The initiator sends a message, the receiver of the message repeats the message back to the initiator, and the initiator then provides confirmation to the receiver that the repeated message is correct.

thyroid burden (activité thyroïdienne)

The quantity of a radionuclide that has been deposited in the thyroid.

thyroid screening (dépistage thyroïdien)

The monitoring of workers for the purpose of detecting the presence of radioiodine deposited in the thyroid as an indication of radioiodine intake. Note: Thyroid screening is not intended for quantitative dose assessment.


See transport index.


See toxicity identification and evaluation.

time-based maintenance (entretien en fonction de la durée)

See periodic maintenance.

time-based overhaul (remise en état basée sur la durée)

An overhaul that is performed based on a set time period.

time-based preventive maintenance (entretien préventif basé sur la durée)

Maintenance performed on equipment in accordance with a set time period (predefined) or given amount of operation.

time-limited assumptions (TLA) (hypothèses limitées dans le temps)

Assumptions used in certain safety or design analyses specific to a facility or to a structure, system or component (SSC) and that are based on an explicitly specified facility or SSC life. Some TLA examples are metal fatigue calculation; pressurized thermal shock analysis; radiation-induced deformation and embrittlement; thermal aging; loss of material; and equipment qualification of electrical equipment, instrumentation and control equipment, and cables.

tissue weighting factor (wT) (facteur de pondération tissulaire [wT])

The multiplier of the equivalent dose to an organ or tissue for the purpose of determining the effective dose. The tissue weighting factors account for the different sensitivities of different organs and tissues to the induction of stochastic effects of radiation.

TLA (hypothèses limitées dans le temps)

See time-limited assumptions.


See thermoluminescent dosimeter.

TLO (objectif d’apprentissage final)

See terminal learning objective.


training needs analysis

total communications blackout (coupure complète des communications)

A situation where forms of electronic communications, such as traditional, cell and satellite phones, and Web-based communications, are unavailable.

toxic (toxique)

See CEPA toxic.

toxicity identification and evaluation(TIE) (identification et évaluation de la toxicité (IET))

A process that identifies the toxic components of an effluent or ambient medium by chemically manipulating the effluent or medium and testing the resulting material.

TP (paramètre de déclenchement)

See trip parameter.


See threat and risk assessment.

tracer studies (étude à partir de traceurs)

The field use of nuclear substances for industrial, environmental or research purposes other than subsurface tracer studies.

trained and qualified (formé et qualifié)

Having a specified level of knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience to meet job performance requirements.

trainee characteristics (profil des stagiaires)

The target population for whom the proposed training is intended as well as relevant information about the trainees concerned, such as the aptitudes, special skills, education, previous related training and personal data (such as age). Defining trainee characteristics is a component of a training system.

trainee evaluation (évaluation des stagiaires)

The assessment of progress made by participants during an instructional program (formative evaluation) and of their achievement at the end of the program (summative evaluation).

training (formation)

A combination of activities with the purpose of providing the knowledge, skills and attitudes to individuals or teams in order to allow performance of activities in an effective and efficient manner and to identified criteria. Also called instruction.

training development plan (plan d’élaboration de la formation)

A document that describes how the output of the analysis and design phases is intended to be used during the development to meet the requirements of the terminal learning objectives and enabling objectives.

training plan (plan de formation)

See training development plan.

training program (programme de formation)

A structured collection of courses required for achieving a qualification or certification to perform work. Also called instructional program.

training system (système de formation)

A series of training-related processes and procedures that provides the basis for the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, documentation and management of training programs and courses.

transaction (transaction)

Any action involving an import or an export.

transfer (transférer)

Move nuclear material, both domestic (between Canadian material balance areas) and foreign (imports and exports). Note: This definition applies specifically to nuclear material accounting.


Change possession of a nuclear substance or radiation device from one licensee to another where both are located within Canada.


Move a nuclear substance or radiation device from one location to another, where both places are located within Canada.


See export or import.

transit (transit)

The process of being transported through Canada after being imported into and before being exported from Canada, in a situation where the place of initial loading and the final destination are outside Canada. (Sources: General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations ; Nuclear Non‑proliferation Import and Export Control Regulations ; Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

transport (transport)

The handling, carrying or storage in transit and receipt at the final destination of packages. Transport includes normal and accident conditions encountered in carriage and in storage during transit.

transport index (TI) (indice de transport [IT])

Has the same meaning as in the IAEA Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Note: The TI is a number assigned to a package, overpack, freight container, or to unpackaged LSA‑I or SCO‑I, used to provide control over radiation exposure.

transuranic element (élément transuranien)

Any chemical element that has an atomic number greater than 92 (the atomic number of uranium).

trending (établissement des tendances)

With respect to nuclear criticality safety, the extrapolation of data from periodic non‑destructive measurements of a control Raschig ring’s physical and chemical properties, and from certain properties of the vessel, to predict changes with time in the properties measured.

tribology (tribologie)

The systematic study of friction and its effects.

trip (déclenchement)

See reactor trip.

trip parameter (TP) (paramètre de déclenchement)

A measurement of a variable that is used to trigger a safety system action when the trip parameter set point is reached.

trip parameter set point (valeur seuil de déclenchement)

The trip parameter value at which activation of a safety system is triggered.

tritium (T or 3H) (tritium)

A radioisotope (symbol T or 3H) of the element hydrogen, composed of one proton and two neutrons.

trusted third party (tierce partie de confiance)

A private organization or agency that is in partnership with the Canadian Police Information Centre (or equivalent) for the purposes of conducting name-based criminal record verifications.


A private organization or agency contracted by a licensee for the purposes of conducting reference verifications.


See tenth‑value layer.

Type I inspection (inspection de type I)

A systematic, planned and documented process to determine, through objective evidence, whether a licensee program, process or practice complies with the regulatory requirements as expressed in the compliance criteria associated with the inspection. Also called audit; evaluation.

Type II inspection (inspection de type II)

A planned and documented activity to verify the results of licensee processes and not the processes themselves. Type II inspections are typically routine (item-by-item checklist) inspections and rounds of specified equipment and/or facility material systems, or of discrete records, products or outputs from licensee processes.

Type A (type A)

In respect of a package, means that the package is designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the IAEA Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Type B (type B)

In respect of a package, means that the package is classified as either a Type B(U) or a Type B(M) package in accordance with the IAEA Regulations and is designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of those Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Type C (type C)

In respect of a package, means that the package is designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the IAEA Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Type H(M) (type H[M])

In respect of a package, means that the package has a type code of H(M) in accordance with the IAEA Regulations and is an excepted package, Type IP‑1 package, Type IP‑2 package, Type IP‑3 package or Type A package that is designed to contain more than 0.1 kg of uranium hexafluoride that is non‑fissile material or is fissile-excepted radioactive material. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Type H(U) (type H[U])

In respect of a package, means that the package has a type code of H(U) in accordance with the IAEA Regulations and is an excepted package, Type IP‑1 package, Type IP‑2 package, Type IP‑3 package or Type A package that is designed to contain more than 0.1 kg of uranium hexafluoride that is non‑fissile material or is fissile-excepted radioactive material. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Type IP‑1 (type IP‑1)

In respect of a package, means that the package is designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the IAEA Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Type IP‑2 (type IP‑2)

In respect of a package, means that the package is designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the IAEA Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

Type IP‑3 (type IP‑3)

In respect of a package, means that the package is designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the IAEA Regulations. (Source: Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 )

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