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Document History of RD/GD-371, Licence Application Guide, Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices

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Current status:

Published November 2011

Document history

Document description

RD/GD-371, Licence Application Guide - Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices provides guidance on how to complete and submit an application for a licence for nuclear substances and radiation devices, in accordance with the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) and the regulations made under the NSCA.

Relevant regulations

Contact information

For questions and information related to RD/GD-371, Licence Application Guide, Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices, please contact:

Directorate of Nuclear Substance Regulation

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
280 Slater St
PO Box 1046 Stn B
Ottawa ON  K1P 5S9

Telephone: 1-800-668-5284 (Canada only)
Fax: 613-995-5086

Related links

Page details

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